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Thayná Winnubst - Social Media Manager of Artemisia

Let's get to know Thayná Winnubst, our one and only social media manager! She's a 24-year-old communication science student who grew up in Brazil and who always spreads motivation and good energy around.

@thaynawinnubst on Instagram

“I tend to put people in front of my own needs. I did this with a boyfriend I had when I was very young, about 14 or 15—I would always prioritise his needs before my own. Those were the years when I started exploring who I was and wanted to be. When faced with the decision to choose a profession, I chose law because I knew it would give me security and stability. But after we broke up, I found more time for myself and I started really discovering who I was as a person. I realised that that degree just wasn’t making me happy and suddenly discovered a creative side I didn’t even know I had. For instance, when I worked at Microsoft in Brazil I would get pretty excited every time I was asked to do a presentation. I actually almost quit law school, but as a good Capricorn, I finished it and passed the bar *Hallelujah*. In the meantime, I realised I loved creating and communicating with people, so I decided to move to Amsterdam and start a new bachelor in Communication Science at the UvA. It’s definitely difficult to restart, and I have a lot of doubts sometimes. I wake up some days and I’m just like, ‘What the fuck am I doing with my life?’ (laughs). But no, moving here was the best decision I have ever made and I must say that I am very happy. Although it takes some courage and much support, there is nothing more satisfying than following your dreams. Also, there is nothing that makes you grow as much as getting out of your comfort zone.”

What was one thing you loved doing as a child?

“I always loved posing for pictures as a child. My dad literally has so much footage of me asking him to film me and take pictures of me (laughs). I’d be like, ‘Dad!! Look at me!’ (laughs again). It’s something that I really love doing. Honestly, there’s nothing that makes me happier than doing a shoot and then afterwards looking at the pictures and being like, ‘Wow, look at this picture! It’s so cool!” Luckily, I have a husband who’s a photographer so it’s even more perfect (laughs). I definitely wanted to pursue a modeling career when I was younger, but when I started looking into it and they started telling me that I would have to lose a lot of weight, I was just like, ‘Uhhh, yeah no,’ and I quit. It just wasn’t something I was willing to do. I already had some problems with food and self-image and I'm slowly starting to respect my own body, metabolism and shape. It's a slow and difficult process, but it's essential for your physical & mental health."

What do you like doing to relax and take a moment for yourself?

“Apart from studying I’m also currently working a part-time job. It’s a lot sometimes, but I love to destress by cooking, biking or going stand up paddling in the canals! Self-care is so important for me too—I love to put on face masks, make myself some tea, drink some wine, read a book, and of course, sports! I'm kind of a sports lover and always excited about learning new stuff, like skiing and surfing. For me, being near the water and nature are essential in my life. If I had a bad day or I just want to think about something else, I go for a run or hop on my bike and go through Amsterdam. That’s one thing I love, you know. Wherever you go here, there's a bunch of parks, rivers, canals. It's a really chill city to live in. I dream of living at the beach someday and owning a surfer lodge or something like that. That’s a plan I'll definitely keep in mind for the future."

For more information about Thayná, check out her profile on Instagram!

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